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Clearly Fluoride Micro Multi 7-Step Water Filter Cartridge

Item ID:1-4945
  • Unikt effektiv Micro Multi fler-stegs vattenrening
  • Utbytbara filterpatroner
  • 10x längre livslängd än andra märken
  • Tar bort skadliga föroreningar i vattnet

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  •   3-5 Dagars Leverans
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Capacity: 37,000 liters (24-36 months depending on water quality)

Filter Media: Micro Multi Fluoride Smart 7-stage

Removes / Reduces: SMART/FLUORIDE REDUCING medium containing fluoride-impregnated granular activated carbon (GAC). This medium is specifically designed to have a high affinity for fluoride, lead, and arsenic. It removes metals through a combination of adsorption and chemical reaction with the media; thus, the removal is not dependent on ion exchange. It has a uniform particle size, is physically stable, and can be used across a wide pH range.

Capacity: 2700 ppm fluoride (average 37,000 liters). As high as 11,000 ppm F+ with effluent values below 0.2 ppm from 10 ppm F+ feed. *

PFAS, sand, silt, rust, iron, lead, microplastics, mercury, copper, nickel, chromium, arsenic, cadmium, aluminum, hydrogen sulfides, cysts (Giardia, Cryptosporidium). Reduces chemicals like TTHMs, benzene, chlorine, bisphenol A, pesticides, pharmaceutical residues, and other chemical contaminants that may cause bad odor and taste.

"Chemicals neither seen nor felt"

How the 7-step water purification technology works:

Step 1 and 7 the water passes through a one micron filter pad

(1 micron equals 1/25,000th of an inch), which removes suspended particles like silt, sediment, cyst (Giardia, Cryptosporidium), sand, rust, dirt, and other undissolved material.

Step 2 the water passes through a FLUORIDE REDUCING medium containing fluoride-impregnated granular activated carbon (GAC). This medium is specifically designed to have a high affinity for fluoride, lead, and arsenic. It removes metals through a combination of adsorption and chemical reaction with the media; thus, the removal is not dependent on ion exchange. It has a uniform particle size, is physically stable, and can be used across a wide pH range.

Capacity: 2700 ppm fluoride (average 37,000 liters). As high as 11,000 ppm F+ with effluent values below 0.2 ppm from 10 ppm F+ feed. *

Step 4 the water passes through ion exchange resins, reducing heavy metals like lead, copper, aluminum, and water hardness.

Steps 3 and 5 the water goes through a bed of media made from a special high-purity alloy blend of two different metals - copper and zinc (ERA-6500, ERA-9500). ERA-6500 and ERA-9500 represent significant advancements in water treatment technology that work based on electrochemical and spontaneous oxidation-reduction principles (Eagle Redox Alloy®). Chlorine is immediately oxidized.

Step 6 the water passes through granulated activated carbon (GAC). GAC is widely recognized and used as an effective adsorbent for a variety of organic contaminants, such as chlorine (99.9%), cancer-linked chemicals (THM, benzene), pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, volatile organic compounds (VOC), PCBs, MTBEs, and hundreds of other chemical contaminants that may be present in water causing bad taste and odor in your drinking water.

All GAC is a blended mix of coconut shell and catalytic GAC to address both chlorine, chloramines, and these by-products.

Special mix of 2 types of coconut shell GAC (including catalytic) with 2 types Eagle Redox Alloys® (9500 & 6500) & anion exchange resin. This mix reduces and removes heavy metals, chlorine & chloramine, pesticides and herbicides, pharmaceutical by-products, and other inorganic substances like petroleum by-products. Ceramic and tourmaline balls to enhance the water and maintain a more alkaline pH.

Upp till 200 gånger billigare än vatten på flaska, dessutom miljövänligt 

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