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Fluorid Micro Multi 7-steps Undersink Water Purifier

Item ID:1-4949
  • Uniquely efficient Micro Multi 7-stage water purification
  • Replaceable filter cartridges
  • 10 times longer lifespan than other brands
  • Removes harmful contaminants in the water
  • Removes fluoride
  • Best in Test!
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Capacity: 37,000 liters (24-36 months depending on water quality)

Included Filter Cartridge: Yes

Filter Media: Fluorid Micro Multi 7-Step extremely long-lasting with replaceable filter cartridge

Dimensions mm: (H x Ø): 370 x 150

Separate faucet included: Yes

Easy to install: Yes 

Removes/reduces: Fluorid reducing medium containing fluoride-impregnated granular activated carbon (GAC). This medium is specifically designed to have a high affinity for fluoride, lead, and arsenic. It removes metals through a combination of adsorption and chemical reaction with the media, making the elimination independent of ion exchange. It has a uniform particle size, is physically stable, and can be used over a wide pH range.

Sand, silt, rust, iron, lead, microplastics, mercury, copper, nickel, chromium, arsenic, cadmium, aluminum, hydrogen sulfides, cysts (Giardia, Cryptosporidium). Reduces chemicals such as TTHMs, benzene, chlorine, bisphenol A, pesticides, pharmaceutical residues, and other chemical contaminants that can cause bad odor and taste.

NOTE! For fluoride levels in private wells exceeding 2.0 mg/l, we recommend that you always contact us for the selection of the appropriate filter media.

For water with fluoride levels of 6.0 mg/l or higher, we recommend options such as Reverse Osmosis, available for under-sink placement and for the entire household.

If you are uncertain, it is recommended to have the installation done by a professional. Consult with your insurance company regarding the rules and regulations that apply to this type of installation.

"Chemicals are neither visible nor tangible."



Filtered water enhances the aroma of tea and coffee. Whether you are a coffee lover or a tea enthusiast, you will experience a significantly improved taste in your hot beverages.

With this filter, you can easily achieve effective water purification, and it comes with a separate accompanying faucet.

Water purification is about taking action for the well-being of you and your family by reducing the amount of harmful contaminants present in Swedish tap water.

An interchangeable Fluorid Micro Multi 7-step water filter with a long lifespan provides low cost (8 cents per liter) and an extended duration (37000 liters, approximately 24-36 months).


Best in test!

Clearly's water purification system reduces over twice the number of contaminants and has significantly greater capacity compared to other brands.


If you don't filter your water, then you become the filter!


How 7-stage water purification technology works.

Step 1 and 7: The water passes through a 1-micron filter cartridge, which removes suspended particles such as sludge, sediment, cysts (Giardia, Cryptosporidium), sand, rust, dirt, and other insoluble matter.

Step 2: The water flows through a FLUORIDE REDUCING medium containing fluoride-impregnated activated carbon (GAC). This medium is specifically designed to have a high affinity for fluoride, lead, and arsenic. It removes metals through a combination of adsorption and chemical reaction with the media, making the elimination independent of ion exchange. It has a uniform particle size, is physically stable, and can be used over a wide pH range.

Capacity: 2700 ppm fluoride (average 3700 liters). As high as 11000 ppm F+ with effluent values below 0.2 ppm from 10 ppm F+ feed.*

Step 4: The water passes through ion exchange resins, which reduce heavy metals such as lead, copper, aluminum, and water hardness.

Step 3 and 5: The water flows through a bed of media made from a special high-purity alloy blend of two different metals - copper and zinc (ERA-6500, ERA-9500). ERA-6500 and ERA-9500 are significant advancements in water treatment technology that work on the electrochemical and spontaneous oxidation-reduction principles (Eagle Redox Alloy®). Chlorine is immediately oxidized.

Step 6: The water passes through granular activated carbon (GAC). GAC is widely recognized and commonly used as an effective adsorbent for a variety of organic pollutants, such as chlorine (99.9%), cancer-related chemicals (THMs, benzene), pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), PCBs, MTBE, and hundreds of other chemical contaminants that may be present in water, causing bad taste and odor in your drinking water.

All GAC refers to a mixed blend of coconut shell and catalytic GAC to address both chlorine, chloramines, and their byproducts.

It is a special blend of two types of coconut shell GAC (including catalytic) with two types of Eagle Redox Alloys® (9500 & 6500) and anion exchange resins. This blend reduces and removes heavy metals, chlorine and chloramine, pesticides and herbicides, pharmaceutical byproducts, and other inorganic substances such as petroleum byproducts. Ceramic and tourmaline balls are included to enhance water quality and maintain a more alkaline pH.


Fluorid Micro Multi 7-step water purification system from Clearly, which is placed under the sink, connects directly to the cold water line and comes with a separate stainless steel faucet. It provides you with always clean and great-tasting water.



Premiumfiltret har en livslängd som räcker upp till 50 gånger längre (37000 liter) än andra vattenrenare.

The Fluorid Micro Multi 7-stage Clearly under-sink water purifier is discreet and highly efficient, removing and reducing hundreds of contaminants in the water. It features a replaceable filter cartridge, providing you with cleaner, healthier, and better-tasting water right from your tap.

  • The Fluorid Micro Multi 7-stage Clearly under-sink purifier is installed beneath the kitchen sink and effectively eliminates various impurities such as sand, sediment, rust, dirt, Cysts (Giardia, Cryptosporidium).
  • Reduces iron, lead, mercury, copper, nickel, chromium, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum, and hard water, as well as chemicals (THMs, benzene), chlorine, bisphenol, pesticides, pharmaceutical residues, and other chemical contaminants that may be present in the water, causing unpleasant taste and odor.
  • It has a 50 times greater water purification capacity compared to other water purifiers.
  • It prevents bacterial growth, algae, fungi, and other microorganisms.
  • It is a perfect solution for households, private wells, and offices.
  • It is more than 200 times cheaper than bottled water.
  • Recommended water purification capacity: approximately 4 liters per minute = 37,000 liters or 2-3 years.
  • Replaceable water filter cartridge
  • It offers the best economy, costing only around 8 cents per liter.
  • Installation accessories and the Fluorid Micro Multi 7-stage filter cartridge are included. If unsure, professional installation is recommended. Consult your insurance company regarding their regulations for this type of installation.
  • It provides clean and great-tasting water using the latest water purification technology.
  • Dimensions: Depth 16 cm, Width 15 cm, Height 37 cm.





Getting started is as simple as this

This is how the Fluorid Micro Multi 7-step under-sink system works



» Installation assistance (PDF)>>

» Manual (PDF)>>

» Good to know about water filters and purifiers from Clearly!>>




Water purifiers, water filters for better health and the environment

Food, coffee, tea, and other beverages taste much better and become healthier. Always rinse fruits and vegetables with filtered clean water to reduce contaminants and avoid health risks (boiling water only eliminates microorganisms, not pollutants). Clearly's water purification products protect you and your family.

Filtered clean water is more than 200 times cheaper than bottled water. You avoid carrying home and returning heavy, expensive water bottles. You and the environment make a much better deal.



What's KDF, REDOX och GAC?


The water passes through filter media called KDF-55D and KDF-85D. These filters are made of a special pure metal blend of copper and zinc. KDF is crucial for water purification through the electrochemical oxidation process, known as REDOX, to be as effective as possible. KDF-55D and KDF-85D prevent the growth of bacteria, algae, and fungi. This is a unique feature. Clearly's water purification products also filter and purify water through granulated activated carbon, abbreviated as GAC. Clearly's GAC water filters meet the requirements for ANSI 42 NSF certification, and the KDF filters meet the requirements for ANSI 61/42 NSF certification. Clearly's 2-stage 1-micron water filter pad is manufactured by an ISO 9001-approved manufacturer.

Upp till 200 gånger billigare än vatten på flaska, dessutom miljövänligt 

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