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Water Filter Cartridge Alkaline Multi Micro 7 Steps Clearly Faucet and Under Sink

Item ID:1-6685
  • Unikt effektiv Micro Multi fler-stegs vattenrening
  • Utbytbara filterpatroner
  • 10x längre livslängd än andra märken
  • Tar bort skadliga föroreningar i vattnet

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If you don't filter your water - then you are the filter!

Water Filter Cartridge Alkaline Multi Micro 7 Stage Clearly Faucet and Under-Sink

Alkaline Multi Micro 7 Stage Faucet Water Filter Cartridge

Alkalizing Multi Micro 7 Stage Water Filter Cartridge Purifier effectively increases alkalinity and oxygenation in water and provides highly efficient water purification, containing new "Smart Water Purification Technology" that removes or reduces hundreds of contaminants.

Premium water filter cartridges last up to 50 times longer (37,000 liters) than other water purifiers.

Alkalinity is a measure of water’s buffering capacity, i.e., its ability to neutralize acidification. If the water has high alkalinity, it has good buffering capacity against acidification.

Alkalinity in Swedish groundwater is generally low because a large part of the country's surface is made up of bedrock. The bedrock is relatively resistant to weathering and results in weather-resistant soil types that provide poorer protection against acidification than soil types with more easily weathered minerals such as calcium carbonate.

Here is how the 7-stage water filter cartridge works:

Step 1: Water flows through a one micron filter pad that removes suspended particles such as silt, sediment, cysts (Giardia, Cryptosporidium), sand, rust, dirt, and other undissolved material.

Step 2: Water passes through granulated activated carbon. GAC is widely recognized and regularly used as an effective adsorbent to remove a variety of organic pollutants, PFAS, pesticides, pharmaceutical residues, and other chemical contaminants that may be present in the water and cause bad taste and odor from drinking water.

Step 3: Water flows through ion-exchange resin, which reduces heavy metals such as lead, copper, aluminum, and water hardness.

Steps 4 & 5: Water flows through a media bed made from a special alloy of high purity between two different metals - copper and zinc (Eagle Redox Alloy® 6500 and Eagle Redox Alloy® 9500.) Chlorine and chloramines are immediately oxidized.

Step 6: Water flows through Ionizer media, containing magnesium and calcium to increase oxygen arrangement and drive the pH value higher (increases alkalinity and oxygenation).

Step 7: Water flows through an additional 1 micron filtration pad for further reduction of unwanted particles. The end result is a significant reduction or total elimination of a variety of contaminants in the water.

The Alkaline Water Filter System 7-Stage Clearly Multi Micro Faucet Filter is a very reliable water purification system designed to last for many years.

Clearly water purifiers and water filters protect you and your family from many chemicals and contaminants present in Swedish tap water and can be harmful to health.


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