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Clearly 3-step shower filter cartridge Clearly 3-step shower filter cartridge

Clearly 3-step shower filter cartridge

Item ID:1-5961
  • Market's most advanced 3-stage shower filter
  • Replaceable filter cartridges with 12 months durability
  • Reduces harmful contaminants in the water
  • Counteracts dry skin and hair
  • Best in test!
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  •   1 Års Garanti
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  •   3-5 Dagars Leverans
  •   Alltid Öppet Köp


  • Capacity: 4000 liters (6 - 12 months depending on water quality)
  • Filter media: Micro Multi 3-stage replaceable filter cartridge
  • Dimensions mm (H x Ø): 100 x 70

Micro Multi 3-stage filter cartridge

Removes/reduces: chlorine, chloramines, harmful chemicals, lead, mercury, cadmium, uranium, iron, zinc, copper, chromium, manganese, nickel, sulfur, and other contaminants found in Swedish tap water which, among other things, dries out your skin and hair. Sand, dirt, sediment, rust, microplastics, cadmium, aluminum, hydrogen sulfides, Cysts (Giardia, Cryptosporidium). Reduces chemicals such as TTHMs, benzene, bisphenol A, pesticides.


With this shower filter, you easily get effective water purification in the shower. The filter is easily mounted directly on the shower mixer and fits all bathrooms. Clearly's water filter 3-stage shower filter protects you and your family from many harmful chemicals, heavy metals, and other contaminants found in Swedish tap water, which, among other things, dries out your skin and hair.

Best in test!

Clearly's shower filter reduces more than twice as many contaminants and has significantly greater capacity than other brands.

Experience the difference of showering and bathing in filtered clean and soft water!

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Clearly 3-stage shower cartridge is the market's most powerful replaceable and reversible filter cartridge.

Premium filters last significantly longer (4000 liters) than other filters

As the cartridge is reversible, water can be filtered and spread through the entire cartridge's filter media. You avoid inhaling chlorine and other harmful chemicals and get smoother skin.

Naturally more beautiful, softer, and fresher hair and skin!

Clearly 3-stage shower filter cartridge has the market's most powerful filter media and can be turned and used in both directions, enabling water to be filtered and spread through the entire cartridge's filter media. The water is filtered through 3 stages of KDF/REDOX granulated activated carbon. Clearly's shower filter and water purifier also remove chlorine gas, giving you naturally more beautiful, softer, and fresher hair, as well as smoother and sleeker skin.

Experience the difference of showering and bathing in filtered clean and soft water!

Clearly's shower filter and water purifier remove chlorine 99.8%, chloramine, VOC, THMs, pesticides, sulfur, and hydrogen sulfide ("rotten egg" smell), iron oxide ("rust water"), dirt, sediment, and other odors, and are pH balanced

Effectively reduces heavy metals such as iron, lead, mercury, copper, nickel, chromium, cadmium, aluminum

Effectively removes chlorine products, VOCs, THMs, pesticides, heavy metals, water-soluble sulfur, iron oxides (rust), bad smell. pH balanced The water is filtered through 3 stages of KDF/REDOX and granulated activated carbon Filtration capacity: 6 months or 4000 liters » Good to know about Clearly's filter!

Clearly's water purification products protect you and your family.

Upp till 200 gånger billigare än vatten på flaska, dessutom miljövänligt 

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